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Hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic essential oils

Hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic essential oils

Even if they have a good pharmacological value, Essential Oils are sometimes not so easy to handle because they can present a risk. It is therefore necessary to use them correctly and wisely. Indeed, they are very powerful and can be responsible for side effects. This...

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Dermocaustic essential oils

Dermocaustic essential oils

  Some essential oils cause strong irritation or even burns to the skin and mucous membranes. Indeed, some essential oils are likely to attack, or even destroy, the skin or mucous membranes. They are said to be dermocaustic.   The reactions that can occur as...

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Neurotoxic essential oils

Neurotoxic essential oils

Some of the molecules that make up essential oils can be neurotoxic. However, it appears that in the same essential oil, neurotoxic molecules can be "neutralised" by molecules that are not and that will even protect the brain. Definition A neurotoxic substance is a...

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The black list of cosmetic ingredients

The black list of cosmetic ingredients

Every day, we take care of ourselves by using many products: deodorant, shampoo, make-up, shower gel... Find out the black list of those cosmetic ingredients! In the cosmetics department, the INCI Beauty application allows you to read the ingredients displayed on the...

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How to dose essential oils?

How to dose essential oils?

  The question of the dosage of essential oils is a very important topic no matter what usage you make of them: -to make up a massage oil, a perfumed oil -or even a cosmetic oil -for an aromatic bath -or to achieve a synergy in your diffuser What are the...

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Are essential oils dangerous?

Are essential oils dangerous?

Essential oils, obtainable without a prescription, are easily found in pharmacies, specialised shops or online. You will find them in little bottles and can be diluted, mixed or pure. Essential oils have numerous virtues and benefits for your health and can show to be...

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12 mistakes when using Essential Oils

12 mistakes when using Essential Oils

Health, home, cosmetics… essential oils, pleasant to use, are more and more part of our daily life. Natural remedies are now often an alternative to traditional medical treatments or complementary products. But beware, they can quickly become toxic. Here is a list of...

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Essential oils and photo-sensitivity

Essential oils and photo-sensitivity

An important topic when summer is approaching! Indeed some essential oils must not be used in products aimed at being applied to the skin before we are about to go into the sun in the following hours. These essences react to sunlight and can leave some skin blemishes:...

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How to test an essential oil?

How to test an essential oil?

  It is very important to test for possible allergies or skin tolerance to essential oils before making your formula, especially if you have sensitive skin or a tendency for allergies… When should you do an allergy test for an essential oil? Each person is...

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