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5 inhalation recipes with Essential Oils

5 inhalation recipes with Essential Oils

Essential oils are a source of great assistance in all ENT ailments, in particular in inhalation. In order to make the most of all their benefits, humid inhalations clear blocked noses How to prepare your inhalation? Add the essential oils (EOs) in a bowl of simmering...

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How to protect your skin from the cold

How to protect your skin from the cold

  Now that we are well and truly in winter we feel that our skin is dryer and this is due to the cold air. It is important therefore to take great care of it during this period. The most important thing to think about is to hydrate our body thoroughly. How does...

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Which essential oils this autumn?

Which essential oils this autumn?

You don't like autumn? You are dreading the approaching winter? In inhalation, by massage or orally, essential oils are a health asset to get through autumn, this transitory period when the morale and our immunity can be compromised. Here is the indispensable toolkit...

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Essential oils and blocked nose

Essential oils and blocked nose

To have a blocked nose is very common. The feeling of not being able to breathe properly through the nose (nasal obstruction) occurs frequently in the case of a head cold. The essential oils can help you! Sometimes referred to as nasal congestion or obstruction, a...

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Essential oils and Head cold

Essential oils and Head cold

There is no end in sight for winter and your nose is always blocked up and running. Really nothing rare, but also really annoying, a cold muck up your life, especially in winter but at other times too. React quickly, because it could lead to serious infections...

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Ski vacation essential oils

Ski vacation essential oils

The Winter sports season has started! You have booked your ski holidays and you want to enjoy it 100%? It would be such a shame to spoil your stay because of little hurts or some aches and pains or some muscular discomfort. I wrote this article to help make your life...

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Enhance natural defences with essential oils

Enhance natural defences with essential oils

Winter has arrived. It is getting colder. Low temperatures and increased humidity weaken our mucous membranes (nose, bronchial tubes) and they become the target of viruses and other microbes. The well-known procession of traditional colds, flues, coughs and a decline...

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