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10 Essential Oils to fight respiratory infections


Some Essential Oils allow fighting against respiratory tract infections thanks to their antiviral and antimicrobial properties.


Counter-indication: pregnant women during the entire pregnancy and when breastfeeding as well as in the children under 3 years of age.

Eucalyptus radiata EO

eucalyptusProperties: anti-infectious and antiseptic of the respiratory tract.


  • decongests the bronchi, the throat, the sinuses,
  • favours the evacuation of secretions,
  • Stimulates the immune system and allows to prevent ENT infections,
  • calms the cough and fluidifies expectorations.

Ravintsara EO


Properties: antiviral, anti-infectious and antiseptic of the respiratory tract (the same as Eucalyptus radiata but better tolerated by children).


  • favours the evacuation of secretions.
  • stimulates the immune system and allows to prevent ENT infections from the first signs onwards (tingling of the throat, runny nose).
  • clears the bronchial tubes

Scots pine EO

scot pineProperties: respiratory antiseptic, immune stimulant, expectorant


  • Clears congested airways,
  • Acts against cough and sinusitis.

Use: in wet or dry inhalation



Niaouli EO

niaouliProperties: antiviral and anti-infectious


  • Clears the upper respiratory tract,
  • Clears congested noses.

Indications: sinusitis, sore throat and fever.


Know more about niaouli essential oil HERE

Tea tree EO

tea-tree-essential-oil-illustration-australiaProperties: powerful antiviral, major anti-infectious and broad-spectrum antibacterial (it kills 90% of viruses and bacteria).


  • soothes quickly all the symptoms,
  • clears the respiratory tract in case of congestion.



Thyme thujanol (or thymol) EO

thymeProperties: major antibacterial and antiviral, immune-stimulant, general stimulant, expectorant, antiseptic of intestinal and respiratory tracts


  • fights against respiratory infections,
  • strengthens the organism and allows it to fight against fatigue.

Counter-indication: Avoid in case of hypertension, hyperthyroidism or epilepsy.



Lemon EO

lemonProperties: general antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial


  • strengthens the natural immunity,
  • sanitizes the air.

Counter-indication: photosensitising oil


Know more about lemon essential oil HERE

Black spruce EO

spruceProperties: respiratory antiseptic, expectorant.


  • sanitizes the air,
  • boosts immunity.

Idea for diffusion : mix 10 drops black spruce EO + 10 drops ravintsara EO + 5 drops tea tree EO. To diffuse in an electric diffuser or about ten drops in a mister, by cycle of 10 to 15 minutes.

Know more about black spruce essential oil HERE

Cajeput EO

cajeputProperties: general antiseptic acting specifically on the respiratory and intestinal spheres, expectorant, stimulant


  • Accelerates the flow of mucus from the bronchi,
  • Clears the respiratory tract.

Use: In diffusion, in synergy with niaouli and Scots pine


Possible uses of essential oils against respiratory infections

  1.   orally, at a rate of two or three drops three times a day on a carrier or in a fat substance (after medical advice),
  2.   externally, diluted in a VO, by applying it to the skin,
  3.   or finally by air, using a diffuser that disperses the EO in fine molecules in the atmosphere.

This last mode of use is particularly recommended to purify the air, especially in case of flu.

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