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Gemstone string bracelet


Categories: Jewelry

Product Description

Complimented with 18K Golden Plated sliding toggle which allows you to adjust the gemstone string bracelet for a snug fit

Tiger eye bracelet can inspire people’s courage, and increase people’s confidence.


Material: Gemstone (tiger eyes)

Weight 65 g

It wards off negative energies, the evil eye, curses and black magic
It promotes concentration, clear vision and perseverance
It helps reduce stress, relax the mind and body, and have positive thoughts

It relieves joint pain, respiratory problems and digestive disorders


Physical benefits

-on joint and hormonal disorders
-helps soothe your physical joint or hormonal ailments. So, if you suffer from osteoarthritis or arthritis, if you have regular headaches, the stone can help you. In case of ophthalmic migraines, Tiger’s Eye is also recommended because it supports the work at the level of 3 chakras: the root chakra, the solar plexus chakra and the third eye chakra.

-helps to breathe better
If you suffer from bronchial problems or are asthmatic, it is also one of the stones to favor, because its action on the solar plexus helps to open the rib cage and therefore the respiratory capacity. Finally, it is also a stone that can relieve pain due to thyroid dysfunction.

If you choose to use Tiger’s Eye for its virtues on your physique, remember that lithotherapy cannot replace the advice of a doctor and specific treatment.

Emotional benefits

Tiger’s Eye is a powerful protective shield.
-On the one hand, it closes the door to energies harmful to your development
-on the other hand, it encourages you to surpass yourself and overcome your fears by working on your grounding, your awareness and the positive management of your emotions. It is therefore more than a simple protective stone since its action is global. The idea is to wear the stone in the form of jewellery, as a bracelet, for example, to face difficult times without feeling diminished.

Tiger’s Eye acts on many levels because it is connected to 3 chakras:

  • The root chakra (1st chakra).
  • The solar plexus chakra (3rd chakra)
  • The third eye chakra (6th chakra).


It first works on your anchoring and your stability (1st chakra).

It then helps you find emotional stability, reconnect with your true identity and regain self-confidence (3rd chakra).

Finally, more comfortable with yourself and more attentive to your needs, you discover the world with a more precise and conscious perspective. You identify your fears and blockages more easily to better deconstruct them (6th chakra).

Zodiac signs for which the need for this stone is potentially the greatest:

Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn

Trades favored by stone:

Therapists, police officers, lawyers, scientists, insurers, accountants.

Main associated organs:

Stomach, intestines, spleen, gallbladder.


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Weight 0.02 kg

tiger eye

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