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Zen Essential Oils Blend

(5 customer reviews)


Helps to uplift your spirit for a spiritual escape


SKU: 10860475597-1
Categories: Blend | Essential Oils
Tags: Blend

Product Description


The zen blend is a mixture of Essential Oils of :

Petit Grain essential oil is calming and also has positive effects on the nervous system.

Calming, the Bergamot essential oil soothes the spirits as well

  • Lemon (Citrus limonum),

It is amazing in diffusion with its citrus notes to purify the ambient air and also repel unpleasant odours.

  • Lime (Citrus aurantifolia),

The lime essential oil is used against stress, tension and low morale.

The Cinnamon is useful in diffusion to fight fatigue and also low morale

  • Frankincense (Boswellia neglecta),

It helps to regain serenity and creates a nice atmosphere for meditation and relaxation.

  • Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens),  

The action of the EO smell will impact your behaviour and emotions if you are stressed, and also suffering from insomnia or anxiety.

Size: 10ml

Usage: Blend for diffusion

Storage of zen blend:

Keep in the original bottle, away from air and light, at a temperature below 25C

Shelf life: 3 years from when you open the bottle

The liquid can become turbid by fall in the temperature. The presence of a deposit is a natural phenomenon that may appear after storage.

  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Do not diffuse all day continuously
  • Avoid with pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under the age of 8, epileptic and asthmatic people
  • Be careful in the way you are using essential oils when you have an allergy (in particular respiratory)
  • Avoid eye and mucous membranes contact
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  1. Wendy Costigan (verified owner)

  2. Rebecca Hughes (verified owner)

  3. Elise Kovac (verified owner)

  4. Tanya (verified owner)

  5. Yvonne (verified owner)

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Weight 0.045 kg

Indulge in bliss

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