History of Rosemary
Rosemary is a plant native to the Mediterranean region. It is a small, vigorous, bushy, and perennial shrub. Its leaves, which look more like needles, remain green all year long. Its flowers oscillate from white to pale blue. It grows on arid, dry and sunny grounds. It copes well with the sea spray, from where its Latin name Rosmarinus officinalis, literally marine dew. Very present in Mediterranean cuisine, it flavours many dishes. However, different types of rosemary exist.
In ancient times, rosemary was considered a sacred plant. Sometimes burned in the form of fumigation, or planted at the foot of Roman tombs, it brought immortality and eternal peace. Its first distillations were carried out around the 13th century. Popular tradition says that rosemary in a garden or a house is a sign of fertility and good luck.
Rosemary is also an essential plant in phyto-therapy and aromatherapy: it is a great liver regulator. Sought after in perfumery for its rather masculine notes, its essential oil presents notable biochemical differences according to its biotope (place of cultivation, soil, sunshine, temperature…) giving different types of rosemary.
The different types of rosemary
Rosemary essential oils are distinguished by their chemotype (CT).
The chemotype expresses the name of the molecule that identifies the essential oil within its species. It indicates the therapeutic orientation of the essential oil (and not the molecule present in the majority quantity).
It is designated by a molecule name – camphor, cineole or verbenone and gives the different types of rosemary.
This notion is essential because it allows us to anticipate the indications and toxic risks of the essential oil.
A chemo-specified oil is a product whose aromatic molecules have been biochemically studied and identified by chromatography.
Rosemary from France, Corsica or North Africa will therefore produce three essential oils with different compositions, properties and uses.
Camphor chemotype from France or Spain: analgesic and muscle relaxant.
Known by its Latin name Rosmarinus officinalis L. camphoriferum:
Rosmarinus genus of the plant used to obtain the essential oil.
officinalis is the species.
The letter L. is associated with the famous botanist Carl von Linné, who first described this plant.
camphoriferum refers to the chemotype of the camphor-rich plant as the name suggests.
Camphor Rosemary is a Mediterranean shrub that can grow up to 1.5 to 2 metres in height. This Mediterranean rosemary is mainly found in Provence, southern France and Spain. Its essential oil comes from the branches of the plant.
Odour: a fine, spicy, and fresh smell
Yield: 400 g EO is obtained by distilling about 100 kilos of the plant.
Chemical family: ketone
Rosemary EO- Rosmarinus officinalis camphoriferum, is rich in camphor (30%):
-cardiac properties.
-muscle relaxant: it allows the elimination of lactic acid, responsible for cramps when it accumulates in large quantities in the muscles
-mucolytic (fluidifying bronchial secretions),
-respiratory stimulant,
-powerful analgesic (painkiller).
in case of muscular contraction, myalgia, cramp, circulatory stasis with or without varicose veins, amenorrhea, dyspepsia.
Preferred route of administration:
From 15 years of age onwards, the cutaneous route is always diluted.
Contraindicated routes of administration: oral and sublingual route and atmospheric diffusion
Caution: NEUROTOXIC and ABORTIVE (in high doses)
Ask your doctor for advice before use.
Do not use: both pregnant and breast-feeding women, children under 15 years of age, elderly people, people with epilepsy or a history of convulsions, asthmatics, caution also in case of high blood pressure.
Contractures, cramps: dilute 2 to 3 drops of Rosemary camphor EO in about ten drops of Arnica oily macerate and massage the painful area
Verbenone chemotype, from Corsica or South Africa – cleanse and protect the liver (or ABV: Bornyl verbenone acetate)
Odour: Its scent will be more subtle, sweet and flowery than camphor or cineole rosemary
Chemical family: ketone
– hepatic drainer, endocrine regulator
– Mucolytic and expectorant, it will liquefy and help eliminate secretions in case of ENT disorders (otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis…).
– It supports the liver and protects its cells while stimulating the elimination activity of the hepatic sphere.
– An excellent liver and gall tonic, it also facilitates the expulsion of bile from the gall bladder and is therefore relevant in preventing gallstones, promoting digestion and in cases of cholesterol.
– Its energizing properties make it an interesting ally in a situation of convalescence.
– It helps repair the olfactory neurons after a viral infection and thus contributes to the return of the sense of smell.
– Hepatic insufficiency due to drugs or toxicity or to improve the tolerance of certain EOs used orally.
– disorders such as hepatitis or cirrhosis
– detoxification cure.
Caution NEUROTOXIC and ABORTIVE (if used in large quantities)
Counterindications: both pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under 12 years of age, epileptic subjects or those with a history of convulsions, hormone-dependent cancerous diseases, caution in cases of hypertension.
Its use is not recommended in the case of large gallstones.
In case of hormonal imbalance, the advice of an aromatherapist is necessary.
Liver detoxification, drainage: mix 1 to 2 drops of Rosemary verbenone EO in a teaspoon of olive oil, twice a day. To be taken over 7 to 10 days according to the needs felt.
Preferred route of administration:
sublingual route (to improve the digestive tolerance of certain essential oils) do not exceed 8 days of intake
cutaneous route: can be diluted in vegetable oil (on the liver area for example)
Contraindicated routes of administration: It is not diffused.
It can also be used by the olfactory route in case of emotional shock “hard to digest”, in case of conflict, to promote a firm but controlled self-expression.
Chemotype 1,8 cineole, from Morocco
Found on the other side of the Mediterranean, in Morocco or Tunisia, Rosemary Cineole will have an appearance equivalent to Rosemary Camphor. This plant seems to appreciate well-drained, rather chalky soil. The harvest is in June-July.
Rosemary EO- Rosmarinus officinalis cineoliferum Chemotyped 1,8 cineole, camphor and borneol is a tonic, stimulating essential oil.
Chemical family: oxide
- oxygenator, mucolytic, expectorant, antiviral and anti-infectious, powerful respiratory impact,
- In prevention, use it in diffusion to purify the air. In case of respiratory infection (bronchitis, cough, cold…), its decongestant virtues will support the lungs.
- Both bactericide and fungicide, which makes it interesting in cases of contamination such as Candida Albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, or Escherichia coli (E. coli) for example.
sinusitis, otitis or bronchitis, circulatory tonic in case of venous insufficiency, varicose veins or haemorrhoids,
revisions to promote concentration.
soft hair (to strengthen it)
- Preferred routes of administration: cutaneous or respiratory diffusion in the atmosphere generally associated with other essential oils (exceptional use).
Feeble toxicity
Counter-indications : both pregnant and breast-feeding women, children under 6 years of age, epileptic subjects or those with a history of convulsions, asthmatics, caution in cases of hypertension.
Recommended from 12 years of age onwards and for adults.
- ENT ailments (colds, sinusitis, bronchitis…): dilute 3 to 4 drops of Rosemary Cineole in about ten drops of Apricot kernel VO and massage the chest and upper back, 3 times a day.
- Preparation for exercise or muscular recovery: dilute 75 drops of Rosemary cineole in 50 ml of Arnica oily macerate and massage the muscles concerned.
- Problems of concentration and/or memorisation: put about 10 drops of Rosemary cineole on an olfactory stick. Inhale 3 to 4 times a day, taking deep breaths.
To summarise the different types of rosemary
Rosemary officinalis
Name / Latin name | EO Rosemary Camphor –
Rosmarinus Officinalis CT Camphor (borneone) |
EO Rosemary Cineole –
Rosmarinus officinalis CT Cineole |
EO Rosemary Verbenone –
Rosmarinus officinalis CT ABV (Bornyle Acetate and Verbenone) |
Place of harvest | France, Spain | North Africa | Corsica |
Main properties | Anti-pain, anti-inflammatory, neuromuscular relaxant | Respiratory anti-infectious, expectorant, circulatory tonic | Liver regulator, immuno-modulating, anti-infectious |
Indications | Muscles and joint pain, cramps, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, gout | ENT and broncho-pulmonary disorders, circulatory and muscular disorders | Liver overload (detox, hepatitis, hyperlipidaemia), hormonal imbalance, ENT disorders |
The psycho-emotional properties of the different types of rosemary EO:
The use of Rosemary essential oils brings subtle different benefits through its olfaction.
Rosemary 1,8 cineole: It is the “carefree, jovial and associative adolescent”.
It enables people to reason and express their ideas clearly and is therefore relevant before speaking in public, for example, it is the EO that acts on the ability to communicate. It
-both oxygenates and improves exchanges.
-favours a good mood, helps to control one’s emotions and supports the process of self-acceptance and benevolence towards oneself.
-facilitates concentration and memorisation: it puts the senses back on alert and helps to maintain cognitive functions such as memory.
The interest of rosemary cineole essential oil in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease is being increasingly studied. Where there is confusion, it brings clarity.
Rosemary verbenone : “It is a source of wisdom, balance, maturity and fulfilment.
-stabilises, helps to digest, and becomes more mature.
-strengthens self-confidence, and willpower, allows self-assertion and brings singularity, wisdom and mastery.
Rosemary verbenone is also a nervous balancer and revitalises in case of mental fatigue, and can be used in case of stress or depression. It revives the desire to live and to “get back on track” after a shock (loss of job, separation…), but is also interesting during exams, for example, or to prevent possible overwork.
Camphor Rosemary: it is also used as a “rigid and sclerotic old man”.
It is rarely used in olfaction because of its very powerful camphorated smell. In massage, it acts effectively on the ills of “old age”.